This is a sample menu. These products aren't real! DO NOT PAY FOR ANY OF THESE ITEMS. Any invoices that get paid will is considered a tip to the author of

Beer - Low Carb Pale Ale
100 sats
Only 4 net carbs yo.
Beer - Low Carb Amber
7,000 sats
Finding a low-carb Amber is hard work!

Alchohol - Satoshi's Single Malt
100,000 sats
USD Inflation is a bitch!
Wine - Low Carb Cabernet
7.5 sats
5 Carbs total ya'll

Wine - Bottle of Low Carb Merlot
35 sats
An entire bottle you WINO!

Beer - Bottom Shelf
1 sats
This is our bottom shelf beer. But really it's just low-value item to test payments with.